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Group Therapy

xperience transformative group therapy and expert mental health services at Tamarind Square, Cyberjaya. Our supportive group sessions provide a nurturing environment for enhancing mental well-being and fostering positive connections.


Group counseling is a form of therapy in which a trained therapist facilitates a group of individuals who share similar challenges or concerns. The therapy aims to foster mutual support, share experiences, and promote personal growth and healing through group interactions and discussions.


12 Key points of Group Therapy

Group Setting

Group counseling involves a small group of individuals (usually 5-15 members) who meet regularly with one or more trained therapists to address shared concerns.

Interpersonal Learning

Group counseling provides opportunities for interpersonal learning, as members observe and work on their relationship patterns within the group.

Diversity of Perspectives

Group counseling brings together people from diverse backgrounds and experiences, offering a rich array of perspectives and solutions.

Group Cohesion

Over time, group members often develop a sense of cohesion and belonging, providing an additional source of support.

Mutual Support

Members in group counseling provide support, empathy, and understanding to one another, creating a safe and non-judgmental environment.

Feedback and Perspective

Members receive feedback and different perspectives from others in the group, enabling them to gain new insights into their issues.

Range of Topics

Group counseling can address various topics, such as anxiety, depression, grief, self-esteem, relationships, and specific life challenges.

Skills Practice

Group counseling allows for the practice of interpersonal and communication skills in a safe setting, promoting personal growth and development.

Shared Experiences

Group members often face similar challenges, allowing them to relate to each other's experiences, which can be validating and comforting.


Like individual counseling, group counseling sessions are typically confidential, fostering trust and openness among members.

Therapist Facilitation

A trained therapist or counselor facilitates the group, guiding discussions, and creating a supportive and therapeutic atmosphere.

Long-Term Benefits

Group counseling can have lasting effects, as members learn from each other and carry the insights and coping skills into their daily lives.




How does group therapy work?


In group therapy, members gather in a safe and confidential environment to share their experiences, challenges, and emotions. The therapist facilitates discussions, encourages mutual support, and provides guidance as the group members interact and learn from each other.


What are the benefits of group therapy?


Group therapy offers various benefits, such as providing a sense of belonging, fostering empathy and understanding, offering diverse perspectives, promoting interpersonal skills, and helping individuals realize they are not alone in their struggles.


What types of issues can be addressed in group therapy?


Group therapy can address a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, grief, relationship problems, self-esteem issues, coping with life transitions, and various behavioral and emotional challenges.


Is group therapy as effective as individual therapy?


Group therapy has been found to be equally effective as individual therapy for many individuals, and in some cases, even more so, due to the added benefits of group support and learning from others.


Will my privacy be respected in a group setting?


Yes, confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of group therapy. Members are required to adhere to strict confidentiality guidelines to ensure a safe and trusting environment.


What happens during a typical group therapy session?


Each group therapy session may differ, but generally, the therapist will start with a check-in, where members can share their current experiences. The therapist may then facilitate discussions on specific topics or allow members to discuss their concerns openly.


Will I be forced to share my feelings in the group?


Sharing in group therapy is voluntary. While members are encouraged to participate, they can choose to share at their comfort level. Listening to others can also be beneficial, even if someone chooses not to share their own experiences.


What if I feel uncomfortable in the group setting?


It is normal to feel uneasy initially in a group setting. The therapist is trained to create a supportive environment and will help members feel more at ease over time. However, if group therapy is consistently uncomfortable, individual therapy may be a better option.


Can group therapy replace individual therapy?


Group therapy and individual therapy serve different purposes. While group therapy offers unique benefits, it may not address specific individual concerns as effectively as one-on-one therapy. Sometimes, a combination of both approaches can be beneficial.


How long does group therapy usually last?


The duration of group therapy can vary based on the group's goals and the needs of its members. Some groups may be short-term (e.g., 6-12 weeks), while others may meet for more extended periods, such as ongoing support groups.



We offer different pricing tiers to accommodate your preferences and needs, based on the therapist's level of expertise and the format of the session (online or in-person).

*Online Session is conducted via google meet 
*In-Person Session is conducted at Therapy Room, The Hour Mental Care at Tamarind Square, Cyberjaya

Available Therapist: counsellor, psychologist, trainee

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Currently unavailable for psychologist and trainee

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